
Musings and Messages: July 7, 2024

One of the first sayings I learned at the seminary was from Sr. Mary Finn, HVM, who said, “Keep your eyes fixed on Jesus.” Today’s responsorial psalm (123) reminds us to do just that. When we keep our eyes fixed on the Lord, we can endure all things, especially those mentioned by St. Paul in the second reading.

Although scholars have made many speculations, we do not know which “thorn in the flesh” Paul was referencing in this passage. However, what is important is the line, “My grace is sufficient for you, for power is made perfect in weakness.” Despite our failings (and even our sinfulness), we need to remember that God is in charge. He calls the shots. God takes our weaknesses and transforms them for his purposes.

Keeping our eyes fixed on the Lord does not mean that we will not sin; rather, it means that when we sin, we can pick ourselves up and move forward again. Our goal is to become perfect in the Lord. The first step in that journey is to keep our eyes focused on the goalkeeper.