
Musings and Messages: July 30, 2023

What does true treasure mean to you? In other words, what would you sacrifice everything for in order to attain that treasure? Is it health, happiness, long life, a certain position, wisdom or wealth? Sometimes we spend countless hours seeking to attain something that we value only to find that it does not satisfy us. It could be working hard to get that promotion or saving money to buy that house; but once we have it what then?

The second reading from Romans challenges us to really live for God because “all things work for good for those who love God.” When we put God first, we gain a new perspective on life. Things begin to make sense. We realize that the rat-race of life is not worth it in the end.

This week do some self-reflection and examine what you have put first in your life ahead of God (and we’ve all done this at some point). Then examine if it was worth it. What was the return on investment to use a business term? Did it pay off in the long run? Then ask the Holy Spirit to help you to reorient your life so that you can seek after true treasure that will last.

Have a great week,
Msgr. John