
Musings and Messages: December 15, 2024

We have arrived at the midway point of the Advent season. Today is traditionally called Gaudete Sunday because the readings and the antiphons use the word “joy” or “rejoice” in them. We are reminded to rejoice in the Lord because the Lord is near, and salvation is upon us.

The responsorial psalm, written by Jack Noble White as a song entitled “First Song of Isaiah,” is one of my favorites. Whenever I hear that rendition of Isaiah 12, it gives me great joy and hope because the music is stately and enthusiastic at the same time. I encourage you to look it up on the internet.

Too often, we fail to rejoice. We are unable to find joy in life. We become bogged down in mundane activities and the problems of everyday life, and we cannot see the forest for the trees. When this happens, we are prevented from loving others because we can’t even love ourselves.

This week, make it a point to seek out the joy of life, find things, and do things that give you cause to rejoice in yourself, others, and God.

Msgr. Kasza giving a Homily