
Musings and Messages: August 13, 2023

Elijah found God in a “tiny whispering sound.” Where do you find God? Sometimes people want church to be “more exciting, enthusiastic, bombastic, relevant” or any other buzz word. Yet God is not often found in the loud but in the quiet. That’s why when the desert fathers and mothers wanted to meet God, they went into the desert, into a cave, into solitude.

Our lives are filled with noise which drowns out the whisper of God. We get caught up in the “stuff” of life that we need to sometimes take a break and retreat from the world in order to hear what God is saying to us.

But even in the storms of our lives, God comes walking to us across the water. Jesus is our lifeguard who invites us to take his hand and walk through the storm. Instead of running away from uncomfortable or unsettling moments in our lives we should embrace them, knowing that God is there walking with us.

This week I suggest that you take some quiet time and listen for God. And if all you have are storms brewing, reach out and grab the hand of Jesus.

Thank you to all who set up our Family Fun night and for all who attended. It was a great experience.

As you plan your schedules for Fall, don’t forget to plan your spiritual schedule as well: Religious education classes, adult formation classes, OCIA, joining any number of our parish groups or ministries, and planning to deepen your relationship with the Lord.

Have a great week,
Msgr. John