You’ve all heard the song, “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me”. What a wonderful thought and beautiful way to start off 2025!
As it turns out, “Bringing happiness to others, increases your chances of being happy, while seeking happiness for yourself, decreases those chances.” This is an important message from the book, The Biggest Lie in the History of Christianity. Who knew? Let’s get busy! Here a few simple examples of things you can do to make others smile:
- Tell someone how much you appreciate something they did
- Tell someone that you love them
- Smile at a stranger, or 2 or 10!
- Give someone a hug
- Offer to pray with someone
- Give someone a compliment
- Let someone get in front of you as you wait in line at a store
- Hide an anonymous “Happy Note” for someone to find
- Pay for a stranger’s coffee
- Feed the birds; it will make others stop at the window and admire God’s creations
- Bring a homemade treat to your neighbor
Have a family discussion about what else you can add to the list.
Let’s all enjoy bringing Peace on Earth!