We’ve all heard the saying, “It takes a Village”. This saying holds so true for our wonderful parish, St. Therese of Lisieux!
Your donations to St. Leo’s Soup Kitchen, through the Giving Tree Tags, allowed St. Leos stronger purchasing power for the needs of their guests. Thank you to so many of our parishioners for their generous donations!!
In addition, our team of St. Paul Street Evangelizers from St. Therese, headed down to give this generous check to the director along with 150 Blessing bags for the adults and their children, filled with many needed toiletries, snacks and special items for the children. The director could not believe his eyes and was very grateful!
Many people were involved in the creation of these bags. Peggy Casing, Director of Discipleship formation and her team were instrumental in asking the Religious Ed. students and their families to donate specific items. This team, along with youth ministry and students at Austin Academy, under the direction of Diana Divine, also lent a hand. All of our directors, were involved in supporting this endeavor and a special thank to Msgr. Kazsa, for his continued support.
We are truly blessed at our parish to have a “village of folks” who follow the teachings of Jesus Christ!
Happy New Year from The Evangelization Committee!