Halloween Candy Collection for Sacred Heart Major Seminary.
It’s that time of the year again! Halloween is approaching, and Sacred Heart Major Seminary is requesting our help.
Each year, the seminary community opens its doors and their hearts to over 2000 children from the surrounding Detroit neighborhood. This annual tradition, which started in 1989, allows neighbors to meet the seminarians and spend an evening of safe fun for the kids. On Halloween, the neighborhood families form a line starting at the building’s entrance and entering the vestibule area outside of the seminary chapel.
SHMS’s “Halloween Ministry” is a huge undertaking and would not be as successful without the help of the entire Sacred Heart community. If you are able to participate in keeping this important tradition going, please place your wrapped candy donations in the designated bin in the Gathering Space by Sunday, October 27th.
This is an opportunity for us to help our seminarians, and especially the children of Detroit, enjoy a safe and fun evening.