
Fill the backpack collection

Thank you to everyone for their efforts in having a Family of Parishes collection for school supplies, backpacks, and other school-related needs. This helps families who receive (substantial!) school supply lists for their children but experience a heavy burden in fulfilling those lists.

We now have nearly 80 individual students/families requesting help. We have also had additional people from St. Isidore and St. Therese ask for help. If they are in need, we do not turn them away. We are counting on the Spirit moving our parishioners!

A list of items is available in the Gathering Space. Please return your donation by Aug. 19.

Parishioners can also adopt a student. We provide the name, age, grade, and specific supplies required. Some students are just beginning their education in Kindergarten, while others are seniors in high school. You can write notes of encouragement and prayers for a great school year. The students are always so excited that someone gave them such a gift!

The hotline, (586) 460-5895, allows direct contact with the individuals who maintain the list of students requesting this extra help.