
Evangelization Words

Last week’s article mentioned how we would focus on words that help us to evangelize, even at a very young age. Of course, we must be role models for this to happen. The list of words below helps us think about how we can evangelize during our everyday experiences. Perhaps you will consider putting this list where it is visible to your family so you can be reminded to discuss the words and ideas included. Also, note what the first letters of the bolded words spell out when put together…

  • Energize yourself to learn more about your faith.
  • Volunteer your time.
  • Make Acts of kindness a part of your everyday routine.
  • Choose Not to be Negative.
  • Give of yourself.
  • Embrace your love for God.
  • Love one another.
  • Imagine how you can grow closer to God.
  • Zoom into your faith and pass it on to others.
  • Engage in meaningful activities.