These are the first three words used last week to explain Evangelization. We first need to Energize and Ignite ourselves before we Volunteer! There are many opportunities and if you need some ideas, stop by the church office. Jesus wants us to help those indeed, pass on our talents and live, joyfully in communion with others.
There is no magic age to begin this important activity. Even the very little ones can to get involved. Here is just one idea to involve the little ones. With fall just around the corner, you might consider helping an elderly or disabled person to rake some leaves at their house. Even toddlers can bring there own mini rake and help to put the leaves in recyclable bags…and have fun doing it!
We all have children in our lives that we can reach out to; certainly your own, your grand children, nieces and nephews, or perhaps the little person that lives next door. Hot chocolate and cookies when you are done makes the project even more memorable!