As we celebrate the Fourth Sunday of Lent, we hear the Parable of the Prodigal Son—a story about the relationship between a father and his two sons, which may be as complicated as many of our own family situations. I recommend reading Henri Nouwen’s The Return of the Prodigal Son, a book about the dangers of being self-righteous and unforgiving, as well as the importance of understanding God’s truly unconditional love and forgiveness.
While preparing for this reflection, I found myself drawn to the opening passage of today’s Gospel: “The tax collectors and sinners were all drawing near to listen to Jesus, but the Pharisees and scribes began to complain, saying, ‘This man welcomes sinners and eats with them’” (Luke 15:1-3). Reflect on that simple sentence and see where you fit. Are you a tax collector? Tax collectors were known to be dishonest. Are you a sinner? It is hard to admit, but we are all sinners. Are you a Pharisee or scribe? Though well-educated in their faith, Jesus often labeled them as hypocrites because of their love for power and honor. They did not understand the importance of serving others with justice and mercy.
In my own life, I can unfortunately see myself in all three groups. Finding myself being dishonest (like tax collectors and sinners) bothers me a great deal, but it troubles me even more that I can also see myself as a Pharisee and scribe. I’m a fairly active and educated person in my faith; I go to Mass, partake in the Eucharist, go to Reconciliation, attend Adoration, and pray daily…but these are some of the same actions that the Pharisees and scribes found important. And while they are important, I realized there are many ways I fall behind in what Jesus finds important—serving others with justice and mercy.
So, how can I be God’s loving embrace to someone this week? Personally, I will work on my ability to forgive others, keep my sense of entitlement in check, and focus more on showing mercy than casting judgment. To start, I am going to become more aware of the role of the Corporal Works of Mercy in my daily life (i.e., feed the hungry, give drink to the thirsty, shelter the homeless, clothe the naked, visit the sick, visit the prisoner, bury the dead, and give alms to the poor).
To raise my awareness, I have to start thinking differently. When I see someone in need, I must focus on helping them instead of judging them for their situation. I also have to remember that “visiting the prisoner” does not only include those who are incarcerated; people struggling with addiction also live their lives in a different type of prison. In addition, “visiting the sick” can mean the simple act of donating blood, visiting an elderly neighbor, or calling a friend who is struggling.
If I open my mind and heart to what Jesus asks of me, the things I can do are endless. I hope you take on the challenge of showing someone God’s loving embrace this week.
May our Lenten journeys allow us to slow down and pay attention to God’s role in our lives. Remember, God is always there; we are the ones who have trouble listening.