Solemn Christmas Novena—Dec. 16-24: A tradition at St. Therese of Lisieux to pray for all the intentions of the members of our family of origin, family of parishes, and family of God.
Introduction to the Novena: We will be praying with the O Antiphons and two symbols, the “Rose of Judah” as an introduction and “Mary” as a conclusion to complete the nine days.
Explanation: Advent, the season of waiting and longing for the Lord, is moving into the final week. The Church presents us with seven O Antiphons. They are beautiful, poetic expressions of humankind’s yearning for her Savior. Each “O” Antiphon, as it expresses our longing, announces a title of the Messiah from the Hebrew Scriptures: O Wisdom, O Lord of Might, O Root of Jesse, O Key of David, O Dayspring, O Desire of Nations, O Emmanuel.
The O Antiphons build to a pleading highpoint imploring the Savior to “COME.” Incredible, as it may sound, the initials of the “O” Antiphons (Emmanuel, O Emmanuel; Rex, O Desire of the Nations; Oriens, O Dayspring; Clavis, O Key of David; Radix, O Root of Jesse; Adonai, O Lord of Might; Sapientia, O Wisdom) taken in reverse order of the original Latin text form an acronym, ERO CRAS, translated and interpreted as the responding cry of the Savior to His people as: “Tomorrow, I shall be there.”
Our Novena will begin on Monday, Dec. 16, at 2 PM, and each subsequent day will be prayed during the Mass.
The Novena will conclude on Tuesday, Dec. 24, at 10 AM – Morning Prayer in Church
Sheets with all prayers will be available at all morning Masses.