
sorted from newest -> oldest


January 13, 2024

Our Knights of Columbus and ushers invite you to a viewing of “The 13th Day” . Based on the memoirs of Sister Lucia Santos and independent


January 4, 2024

St. Therese of Lisieux will host Dr. Agnes Ward from Macomb County Mental Health to speak on anxiety, depression and suicide. Even if you might not


December 16, 2023

We will have a Eucharistic Adoration Hour. Come spend an hour with the Lord to prepare for the Holiday season. This is a great opportunity to settle


December 16, 2023

Come and learn about the Patroness of the Americas and Juan Diego in a way that will touch your heart and soul. Hear the history of events, learn


December 12, 2023

Come join us at St. Isidore for the Our Lady of Guadalupe Celebration 6:00 AM Morning Song/ Las Mananitas in Spanish followed by Mexican hot


December 7, 2023

Step into the Advent season with our Family of Parishes’ Eucharistic Adoration events as a part of the archdiocese’s I AM HERE campaign.


December 7, 2023

Join the Evangelization team as we carol through the neighborhood. As we stroll the streets we hope to meet our neighbors and invite them to worship


November 11, 2023

Chef Robert from Dorsey Culinary School will show us how to cook three Thanksgiving sides. You will get a sample of each dish, a recipe packet, and


October 29, 2023

The 11:45 am Mass will be dedicated to our Special Needs parishioners and their families. A reception with hot dogs, chips and Halloween treats will


October 28, 2023

National Prescription Drug Take Back Day is a biannual event that aims to provide a safe, convenient, and responsible way of disposing of unused or


October 28, 2023

Mark your calendars for a night of Halloween fun! The Knights of Columbus will be hosting an adult-only Halloween Dance on that evening from


October 22, 2023

St. Therese of Lisieux will host a Family and Friends CPR course. This course is designed for lay people and teaches the lifesaving skills of adult


October 19, 2023

Join us for a discussion of Just Mercy, by Bryan Stevenson. New members are always


October 19, 2023

Most of us have been Catholic all of our lives, but maybe there are some aspects of our faith that we don’t all know or fully understand. We


October 14, 2023

Witness the power of God’s Mercy. This event is hosted by individual vicariates and parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit. Multiple


October 8, 2023

Witness the power of God’s Mercy. This event is hosted by individual vicariates and parishes throughout the Archdiocese of Detroit. Multiple


October 5, 2023

Join us for a presentation by Sullivan Funeral Home on Pre-planning Funeral Arrangements, including the importance of planning and documenting wishes


September 24, 2023

Celebrating a milestone anniversary this year? Monsignor John and the Marriage Ministry cordially invite all married couples celebrating milestone


September 23, 2023

Come join us for a fun tasting event with beer/wine and dessert pairings at 7pm in the Social Hall. Reservations are required, and the event is


September 19, 2023

On Tuesday mornings from 9:30-11:00 AM, in honor of the current “Eucharistic Revival,” we will be offering, from the Augustine Institute’s