
Armor of God Men’s Group Fall Sessions

We are getting prepared to start up our fall sessions for the Armor of God men’s group. We are looking forward to continuing the engaging discussions around the 20 Answer booklets from Catholic Answers where we review topics that help us understand our Catholic teachings around various topics. We’ve previously discussed such topics as, Death and Judgement, Faith and Science, Divorce and Remarriage, even End of Life Issues.

Along with the booklet we review some short videos by theologians and priests about the topics. We select a wide range of individual speakers to present the teachings from different perspectives to provide a well-rounded understanding.

The discussions allow us to see how the topics affect not only ourselves but also others in the group. Our experiences may be what others need to help them better understand what the church wants us to grasp from the teachings. No matter your age, your voice will be heard by someone. You cannot comprehend how much you can influence others by your words and actions, but if you don’t share your influence is never realized.

We have placed the 20 Answers booklet discussing “Relics and Sacramentals” for the September session in the Parish Office in Deacon Greg’s mailbox. Drop by and pick one up.

The sessions for this fall are September 16 (Monday) and 21 (Saturday), October 14 (Monday) and 19 (Saturday), November 4 (Monday) and 16 (Saturday), and December 9 (Monday) and 14 (Saturday)

Looking forward to seeing you in September.